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Thread: Valkyr Touch

  1. #1

    Map Valkyr Touch

    So, my party is currently making their way towards a dwarven city via airship, and I decided to make that a little special by creating a vertical dwarven city rather than a hole in the ground. For a little reference on design, the city's built inside of a decently tall mountain in the middle of the dwarf-controlled region of my world. It's a hub for airships. Most of it's been mined out long ago. While it's located on a huge aerial hub, the roads of the ground near this place are not as well-travelled allowing for the city to maintain a singular gate. Lemme know what you guys think!

    Valkyr Touch Map.png

  2. #2


    This looks fun - makes me think of Mount Nevermind from Dragonlance!

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