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Thread: Alien Language Font (+ PNGs)

  1. #1
    Guild Artisan Neyjour's Avatar
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    Texas, USA

    Default Alien Language Font (+ PNGs)

    Cybertek Chaylek (TTF) and PNGs Promo.png

    Download here: Cybertek Chaylek Font (TTF) and PNGs

    This is something I've been working on, to be used as labels for a new sci-fi map:

    Alien Language Font by Neyjour (Promo).png

    It's my very first font, and I'd like to offer it as a free download. But... I'm stuck on naming it.
    I was thinking something like: Cybernet (or Cybertech) _________? (something that conveys an "alien" feeling). If anyone has some ideas, please let me know!

    This being my first font, I didn't realize that the thinner lines for the "uppercase" characters would disappear when it's converted to TTF.
    So I'll be including those as PNGs only. But all the "lowercase" characters are mapped to the lowercase letters (a to z).

    If anyone's interested in creating their own font (for free), this is the online convertor I used:
    Last edited by Neyjour; 07-26-2016 at 03:54 PM.

  2. #2


    Ok. I'll be brave and have a go at it, based on the principle of taking a real word and changing it. (none of the below have been checked - I usually google things to make sure that no one else is using the word before I call it 'mine')


    Cyberten... ten cybers? (whatever they are)
    Cybertic... sounds like the first name of a really nasty disease!
    Cybentic... too.... "Bennish"
    Cynebtic... too close to synoptic, or synaptic!
    Cynetar... too close to scimitar!
    Cyntenar... hmmmn... not very good at this am I!


    Cybertel... a telephone company?

    Ok... I give up! sorry Neyjour

  3. #3
    Guild Artisan Neyjour's Avatar
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    Hehe! Actually, I'm pretty sure I'm going to be using Cybernet or Cybertech for the first part of the name (unless someone can come up with something I like better). It's just the second part (or parts) of the name that's got me stumped...

  4. #4


    I got the wrong end of the stick didn't I. LOL

    Ok then. How about these:


    None of them have been checked, by the way...

    If nothing else, perhaps a spark of an idea from among them?

  5. #5
    Guild Artisan Neyjour's Avatar
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    Oooh! Cybertech Chaylek... that sounds pretty cool. Really rolls off the tongue. Definitely a possible choice! Thanks!

    If you can think of any more, please let me know! I'll wait a bit longer (perhaps until tomorrow) for some more suggestions before making a final decision. Once I throw it out there as a freebie, I won't be able to change it.

  6. #6


    I have actually got hundreds of them, and the capacity to generate millions. Do you have Excel? If you do, I can send you a real random name generator I made for this very purpose. It uses either vowels and consonant groups, or syllables, but never bits and pieces of other people's chopped up names (like so many of the online 'random' generators do).

    The only drawback is that the functions simply won't work if you open it in anything other than Excel, and a fairly recent version at that.

  7. #7


    Oh dear. Sigh. I've just googled Chaylek for you, and discovered that its a first name. In fact there's a Chaylek on Deviantart.


    Hey! How about calling it Cybertech Neyjour?

  8. #8
    Guild Master Josiah VE's Avatar
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    That looks so cool!! What did you make that with?

    Oh, Mouse. That program sounds really handy. How did you make it? I occasionally use online name generators.

    I offer map commissions for RPG's, world-building, and books

  9. #9
    Guild Artisan Neyjour's Avatar
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    Mouse - Oh, darn. I would have really liked to try that generator (thanks for offering!) but I don't have Excel.

    As for the name, since I'm going to use a combination of names, I'm not going to worry about it that much. I did a Google search for "Cybertek Chaylek" and nothing at all popped.

    Josiah, thanks very much! The website I linked to has a template you download. You can either print it out and hand-draw your characters in the appropriate boxes, then scan it back into your computer to upload it to their site. Or, you can just do everything digitally. My printer/scanner is out of ink, so I had to do it all digitally. And... I don't have a tablet, so I decided to use simple straight lines that could easily be drawn with a mouse and the Pen tool. So, yep... it's all just done with the Pen tool, each one on a different layer, and then merged into a single layer after I was all done (to upload it to the website).

    Actually, when I have more time, what I could do for the next one (as a work-around to not having any printer ink) is to hand-draw them on a piece of paper, scan them in, clean them up PaintShop Pro, and turn them into transparent PNGs. Then just size them down to place on the template.

    EDIT: Here's a screenshot of them on the template. (The template is much larger than what I'm showing here). I guess it only picks up on the "black" so you don't need to fill in all of them.

    Alien Language Font by Neyjour (template).PNG
    Last edited by Neyjour; 07-25-2016 at 07:36 PM.

  10. #10
    Guild Master Josiah VE's Avatar
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    Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


    Quote Originally Posted by Neyjour View Post
    Josiah, thanks very much! The website I linked to has a template you download. You can either print it out and hand-draw your characters in the appropriate boxes, then scan it back into your computer to upload it to their site. Or, you can just do everything digitally. My printer/scanner is out of ink, so I had to do it all digitally. And... I don't have a tablet, so I decided to use simple straight lines that could easily be drawn with a mouse and the Pen tool. So, yep... it's all just done with the Pen tool, each one on a different layer, and then merged into a single layer after I was all done (to upload it to the website).

    Actually, when I have more time, what I could do for the next one (as a work-around to not having any printer ink) is to hand-draw them on a piece of paper, scan them in, clean them up PaintShop Pro, and turn them into transparent PNGs. Then just size them down to place on the template.

    EDIT: Here's a screenshot of them on the template. (The template is much larger than what I'm showing here). I guess it only picks up on the "black" so you don't need to fill in all of them.

    Alien Language Font by Neyjour (template).PNG
    That is so neat! I gotta try that!

    I offer map commissions for RPG's, world-building, and books

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