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Thread: Hello! Crossover from DeviantArt Land! :D

  1. #1

    Default Hello! Crossover from DeviantArt Land! :D

    Hello there!

    I'm Druidpeter. My normal social media base of operations is over on DeviantArt, where I mostly make art as a means to promote my epic nontraditional scifi/fantasy/cluster****-of-a-plot novel series with elements from Russian Golden Age Literature. One of your members, however, @steffenbrand, recently inspired me to try my own hand at learning how to make the ever so important maps for my novel. And so... well, here I am, lol, at SteffenBrand's esteemed recommendation, of course.

    Now, I don't know too much about map-making, but I'm sure I'll have plenty to learn from on this site. So I feel I'm in good hands. For the time being, however, I simply wanted to introduce myself, and say "good day!". So... Guten Tag. :3

  2. #2

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