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I have been searching for fantasy maps during the last months and learning how to create one through the tutorials here and I realized that in my case it’s interesting to have expertise assistant to achieve better results.
I have a hobby (LEGO creations), you can see more about it in this introduction topic and check the regional fantasy map I have adapted in this other one that I’d love to improve and take it to another quality scale, with all wonderful techniques this amazing and fascinating cartographer world can offer us.
Project Scope
The main goal is create a regional fantasy map based on the map in the link above, but totally new and free for modifications and creations in its geographic elements. Bellow, there are some instructions to follow:
1 - The design of coastal line and islands must be respected, just giving them a more realistic shape. To add small islands, bays and others stuffs in those lines is free and encouraged;
2 - The map must contain a very good variation of geographic elements, like mountains, forests, lakes, rivers, falls, valleys, and others. It needs to be rich in this point;
3 - The larger island, in the west, must have snow peaks;
4 - In the continent, wherever the artist thinks it fits better, must have a desert with some mountains and rocks.
Design concept
I like let the artist free to create what he thinks it’s better for the case and allows him works using his imagination. For inspiration, below are two maps I’ve found that could help in this new map concept project:
Maybe a mixing between them, with the realistic coastal line, scale and mountains style from the second map and the green color scheme, rivers and forests styles from the first and the icons of ship, monsters, and others stuffs is what I’m looking for.
I already have some names of cities, geographic elements, the regional coat of arm and other stuffs to input on the map, but after the stage 1 of the design process I can work together with the artist on that. Basically, that is going to be just a location choice and this is totally flexible.
I need a full color map only for web purposes and it doesn’t need to reach a professional level. I believe a standard map size can be helpful, maybe 1024 x 682 pixels. I’m not sure. I prefer to let the expert show me the best option for this project.
The artist will retain the copyright of the map and will have the right to exhibit the image as part of his portfolio, but not to exploit it for commercial gain.
The map will not be published or reproduced for commercial gain by me. Thusly it will be for my personal use only. However, I do require written permission to reproduce the map as needed for my personal use. Also, I would like permission to add some modifications on it in the future, like city names, icons, emblems, shields and other elements as needed.
Maybe a month is enough to do it, but this is flexible too.
Design process
Stage 1 – initial concept sketch – once approved;
Stage 2 – 50% payable via paypal;
Stage 3 – 50% payable via paypal upon delivery and acceptance of the final file.
I believe that U$50,00 is a reasonable start point for this kind of map. However, the payment is negotiable and depends a lot of the stage 1. I’m a kind of person that values this kind of work and I expect to pay for it following the market average price, without abuse, of course. As I said, I don’t need a professional map. I’m looking for a beautiful and well done work to improve my LEGO hobby, so I know I’ll have to pay for that.
For now, via this thread and cartographer’s guild messenger. Additional contact information will be provided when the project move forward.
Motivational message
I hope at this point you all are interested in offer your talents, but I believe that an extra request could be helpful.
I would like to say that if you pick up this work to do you are going to have more than a usual client, but maybe a partner for further works and a friend. I’m member of some international LEGO hobby forums and this map is going to be accessed by many other AFOLs from all over the world. In the future, when I built some LEGO creation to input on the map, in contests of just for fun, think that your work could be appreciated for potential map lovers and maybe further clients.
So, what do I expect from the artist? The same thing I expect from me: make it with love. The results are always natural and bring us peace. Let’s have some fun in our hobbies together!![]()
I sent you a PM!
Hello, everyone!
I'd like to thank all the feedback I've received from this thread, the experts really helped me to think better and I keep in touch with some of them, but I'm still looking for what I want. So, bellow, follows a update of my project:
Design concept
Just updating some inspirations:
I think 3 months is enough to do it, but I accept new deals for it.
After the feedback of some specialists, I believe that U$200,00 is a reasonable start point for this kind of map, despite of the payment remains negotiable and depends a lot of the stage 1. Changing what I said, I'd like to have a professional map. I’m looking for a beautiful and well done work to improve my LEGO hobby, so I know I’ll have to pay for that.
Waiting for bids!![]()
Hello again!
I'd like to thank everyone who answered me by PM and e-mail about my request in this thread. It was very useful for my project all the informations I had from specialists and I learned so much with you all during the last weeks.
I'm happy to say that a cartographer from here showed me a very good proposal and a very interesting map style and we are discussing the details. I hope back in this thread soon and share the final result with you all.
Let's wait for that!![]()
Hello, everyone!
After some weeks, I'd like to share with the community the final result of my regional map made by Daniel Hasenbos.
Kingdom of Lichtheim by Adolfo, no Flickr
I'd like to thank you all for the reception here, for the interest and proposals in the work and especially for the artist for his dedication.![]()
Its a bit unusual for the commissioner to present a map drawn by another member...
Daniel - I will see if I can find one of your recent threads to rep you for this
Adolfo - Congratulations on choosing Daniel![]()
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