Working on a campaign during which the PCs will need to go through the Yllarel Mountains, starting in a silver mine on the southern slope, near Brynehall, and eventually exiting in faerie territory on the northern slope. Basically it's one giant dungeon that is a small piece of a larger campaign. There's a lot of elevation gain and loss, so the trip through the mountain will take a while. In places, our fighters will have to remove armor to squeeze through. I've been meaning to get this on paper for a couple of months, and was inspired by Randy M's dungeon delve and my cousin's Instastories from Luray Caverns.

I need to change up some of the cave-ins and make some other adjustments. I think I'm going to ignore scale (in terms of distance) because it's hard to measure that inside a mountain anyway. The Rocky Mountains, for example, range in width from 70 miles to 300 miles. I basically just need this cavern to take up a full gaming session, which won't be an issue.

Caverns - full (50 percent) rev.jpg

Same thing but with grey to make the tunnels and caves stand out more. I'm not sure if I'll use the grey version in the actual game.

Caverns - full (50 percent) rev grey.jpg

Here's a close-up of the faerie cave, where the PCs will have to battle an evil faerie to escape the room. Even then, they're still not quite out of danger because the Lady the Lake awaits if they choose the wrong tunnel after getting out of the faerie cave.

Cavern 3 of 4 rev Faerie Cave.jpg

Question: If you were the DM/GM, how would you best use this map as the PCs make their way through the caves? I was going to use trace paper but I don't think I can trace quickly enough and also capture all of the details.

As always, feedback is both welcome and highly appreciated!