Very pretty. I love the colour palette.
Hey guys. So this is my first map with the style I created from scratch, and also the one I extensively named and occupied with several sites, towns and ruins.
Im quite satisfied with the ending result, although the mountains still looks a little weird, in the next map I´ll try to create something more interesting. About the history of the place, to tell the truth I didn´t really think too much about it, maybe its something I should work in my next map. But the land of Abbadilon is about sea trade, and ground control of the land passages. The ruins in the map are an ancient elven civilization, that ceased to exist after a major war. After that the human started to settle around the land of Abbadilon.
That´s it, I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did in making it.
Very pretty. I love the colour palette.
Hey Carbus, don't know if I'm qualified to make suggestions since I'm newer than you are, but have you tried adding a low-relief texture to the mountain bevel (I'm assuming you're using PS, if you're not, I don't know what your software allows)? Otherwise, very nice indeed. I like the subtlety of the sea texture.
Im new in here too, so of course you are qualified! Also anyone with constructive critics is welcome! About the texture, I didn´t try to add a texture to the mountain bevel (yes it Im using PS). because I already had a watercolor texture above everything else. But now that you mentioned I´ll try to do something about it, do you have any suggestions of textures??
Thanks for the reply!![]()
Nice job on this Carbus, I especially like the borders.
Looks really good. The monolithic single mountains seem to match a scale of a hundred or so miles across the whole map, yet from other cues I suspect it's supposed to be many hundreds of miles across, yes? More finely divided mountainous areas would match that --- ranges instead of lone peaks? I can't suggest *how* to do that though. Too, your mountains as colored say all are bare rock - none have trees or grass cover, even on the lowest slopes.
The font and size you use for sea names effectively communicates "hand-lettered", yet the mechanics of that is tough to believe. Think if your cartographer painstakingly did all the outlined city names by hand, with some really tiny, sharp nib. Would he then use a veritable brush to do the seas? I dunno - maybe he would ... in your world I guess you can dictate the customs and standards in use :-). Looking at that razor-sharp, beautiful border -- is the map intended to imply hand-work? If instead it was hand-etched on printing plates, I'd expect a more precise font for the big stuff like seas and the Abbadilon title.
Any tweaking though would just take a fine map and make it fantastic. It's good already, and as you note by its forum, it's finished. You handle the subtle colors/textures to show woods vs. grasslands very well. While the coastal routes fight a bit with the coastal wave-patterns, I don't see any big change to help that. Maybe a bit more distinction in color between the two line types? The routes a bit blacker and the waves a bit bluer?
Good stuff - I hope we see more !
Very nice - it would look great as a poster on a wall. I can totally imagine diving into this for hours on end.