
Today I want to share with you my first finished digital map of my fantasy universum.

This is the first stage of my work consisting in constructing a world map in digital with a specific arrangement of continents, with a detailed coastline, which will be the basis for further work. In the next stages, which will certainly be very time-consuming, I will add more details and textures. In the long run, my goal is to create an interesting and coherent fantastic world that will also concentrate most of my own cartographic illustrations. So the first step is behind me and I can show you a map of Gythea!

The map only presents the imagination of world based on stories, legends and known lands and oceans. Probably Gythea has not ever been fully explored and due to that a lot of areas and size of the world still reamains a mistery.

Mapa etap 1 (FDAP).png