[Paid] Fantasy World - Full Setting Map(s)
Ok, so to give you an idea of what I’m aiming for and who I am. I’m Adam, and I’m currently designing and playtesting an rpg system with the eventual plans of getting it published, along with a game world. The game world is getting fleshed out at the moment, but would really like to also have some maps to go with it. And I stumbled across this website, and WOW, there is a whole heap of fantastic work on here, and so much talent. Now I just want to tap into some of that talent. So I’m asking for someone who is interested in getting on board with this project. While the initial work is discussed below, there is the possibility of further work on city & dungeon maps, and illustrations if anyone is an illustrator drop me a line if you’re interested in some work.
The map that I have in mind for the setting is earthsized, but the main areas of land (2 large continents & a large collection of islands) may not cover the entire globe, eg the far size of the planet hasn’t been explored as yet, as to how much hasn’t been discovered it will depend mainly on how much of the globe is taken up by the other lands.
Location names, etc I am still fleshing out at this moment, but as my knowledge is limited regarding cartography I would love to see a map and then work from there to add these details. The southern continent & archipelago are as yet undecided on terrain features, etc. The northern continent is currently a work in progress from my group of gamers on names & locations (which I have also given them freedom in deciding on terrain features). The southern & archipelago will follow from there, hopefully with a map to work from.
Another main point should be that ideally there will be at least 4 pieces of work. World map that shows the location of continents/islands in relation to each other, with only the major cities marked on them. Then 1 map for each of the other main locations, Northern, Southern & Archipelago.
I have seen some fantastic maps on this website, many of which would suit. I’m not pinned down to wanting a particular style, probably a style similar to the couple of following links feels right to me.
But open to seeing what you are able to produce, so if you are interested in getting on board with this then share your ideas with me.
Quality & Size
I am looking for work that suits, and is well produced. As the product is for eventual print/pdf that should be taken into consideration. In regards to Dimension, Raster/Vector, well all I have to say is that I’m lost. I’m not much on the technical aspects of either maps or computers, I manage to use them, and figure out what I need to do, but all the technical stuff, well that is where I need you.
Time Constraints
Time Limits aren’t really a problem, hoping to have everything finished in a year or 2, but life gets in the way sometimes so it could be longer. But would like to see some initial work sooner rather than later, and then finished when I have names etc.
I would like to have exclusive reproduction rights to the map, by the sounds of everything I have read it sounds like this is what I need.
Contact Details & Payment
Contact me at the below email to discuss payment options & details, along with samples of your work. (NB - Regarding payment; I am trusting in you to give me a fair price or offer for work as I am completely oblivious to what this work is worth, but I am far from being able to pay huge amounts of money)
agr818 “at” gmail.com (usual trick, change the “at” to @)