OK so I have the floor plan and basic layout of my tower, but have to fill it with all the junk of its wizardly inhabitants. One can only assume wizards are a bit like cats and thus the preference for living up in towers where they can look down on others. the walls are thickest at the base level which is storage, followed by the work area. I put the head honcho's room next. He's understandably paranoid about his apprentices working in the lab while he's not there to supervise, so they have to walk past him to get there. He's getting too old for all these steps anyhow. Clearly one of the apprentices had a bit if a mishap. You don't want to know how much trouble it is to get a mason out to a remote location. If an apprentice wants to blow holes in the roof let them sleep with the draft! There is a "time out" room (vs. a room out of time which was simply going to take too long to enchant) room below the first floor but it doesn't see a lot of use. Last time someone was in there one of the other apprentices was neglectful of his duties "emptying the bucket" and the lingering scent ruined the masters one joy in life at his age: eating.

I put in a parchmentish background hoping that it would allow me to do some fancier border work without it looking out of place with the map elements. Any thoughts on the color and shadow balance so far? I'm not sure I'm happy with the block style window framing, but its at least functional if I can't think of anything better. Comments much appreciated.
