Hi all,

I'm fairly new to mapmaking but I have read through every one of Torstan's (excellent) tutorials, and searched diligently through the forums but can't find any relevant advice.
To be more specific, I'm talking about inking detail lines (please forgive me if i don't have the right words - my cartography and general photoshop lexicon is lacking) on overhead grassland maps. To quote what i asked in Torstan's thread:

"I was wondering if you had any tips for drawing grass detail - for whatever reason, whenever I attempt to ink in detail lines for grass they just look... wrong. Light and shade and texture seem to be fine, but it still feels like something is missing from the map without those few lines. Detail on mountains, water, forests? Easy, thanks to your tutorials! But any time I try to add those little dashes and curves and lines to an overhead grassland map, it comes out looking completely random. Any advice?"

I've been attempting to emulate Mike Schley's style, but I am coming to the terrifying realization that he probably does it completely by hand. Any tips will be greatly appreciated.
