I know we all want to improve fantasy maps (or real maps created from 0), but I am looking to improve some maps on archaeological cultures, which I modified based on Natural Earth free physical maps.

I will publish a revision of the paper illustrated by these maps in one month or so, and I have been offered to publish a more detailed monograph (probably black and white, which makes things even more complicated), and I would like to have some more ideas, if possible.

Problems I find when making the maps:

  • Transparent colours: they are supposed to let physical geography go through, but sometimes they just hide them. Some colors need to be similar (to inform of similar cultures / languages), and often, when selecting multiple colors this way, some dark tones have to be used, and keeping a good and coherent appearance overall is difficult.

  • Important locations: While culture borders can be broadly defined with colors (i.e. without a clear outline), it is individual settlements which define the actual regions, so maybe some should be marked and labelled. I can’t seem to find enough space in the maps (or the right mark for them), though: they are usually marked with points in purely archaeological maps, but in this case many would be hidden by DNA sample symbols.

  • Region borders: maps are supposed to look natural (like modern ones), but precise borders seem quite unnatural for archaeological cultures. Any idea how to make it look better with some type of (diffuse?) border, without showing a great definition that didn't actually exist…? Also, natural borders made by water bodies (especially islands) are difficult to delineate, but that is a problem of patience, I guess, unless you have some trick.

  • Lack of enough colors: with so many different cultures and language families (attested or supposed), it is difficult to keep different color ranges. Afroasiatic is black (or dark grey) for example, and luckily enough, I didn’t (yet) have to think about adding other language families, like Sino-Tibetan or Dravidian… This might change in the future, so there is a big problem with including other regions of the map.

  • DNA samples: are symbols too simple, maybe too big, not '3D enough'? I thought about adding ancient mtDNA samples, but certain regions are too crowded already… Also, admixture analysis can be shown for each of the symbols depicted (e.g. a percentage bar or pie chart instead of or over the symbol), but that could crowd still more each region.

  • Labels: Most labels are straight text and with some shadows and borders for better distinction over the background. Also, they are differentiated according to what they represent: CULTURE, Culture Group/People, Language, (DNA Sample). Would you recommend other differentiation, other effects, more curved labels…?
    Do you find some information clearly lacking on the maps?

  • Arrows: They give the actual cultural/population movements, but sometimes they are a pain to work with, arrowheads become deformed, they can’t be too long or they become less natural, etc.

  • Software: Maybe Photoshop should not be the only program I use?

I am sure that experience will make you notice more important details than these ones, so any idea on how to improve anything on any of the maps is welcome.

Thank you!

(I include four of the main maps in chronological order, the rest are similar. If you are interested in checking them out, visit https://indo-european.eu/maps/)



