Storyslingers are a small creative writing group based in picturesque Dorset in the United Kingdom. They are running a fictional world map competition. You can find out more about the competition at their website here but in brief:

1. Entries must be a map of an original fantasy setting. You cannot send a map of a location that has already been written about, e.g. Middle Earth, Narnia etc. You are not required to write a story to accompany your map - an original RPG setting is fine. You can enter maps you have already drawn.

2. Entries must be sent by midnight 21 May 2013 to:

3. Please title your email: Map Competition - your name - Map Title (e.g. Map Competition - Ravi Shankar - Silmencia)

4. Please do not attach your map to the email. Instead please post your map somewhere on the internet (eg at the cartographers' guild) and include a link to your map image. To copy the html link to your map to your clipboard right click the image and click 'Copy Image Location' (or similar depending on what browser you are using).

5. The winning maps will announced on the Storyslingers website in or about June 2013. Storyslingers is currently in discussions with the Slade Centre and Shaftesbury Arts Centre in Dorset to display the winning maps at the galleries. No guarantees that any map, including winning maps will be hosted by the galleries.

6. Storyslingers is well connected to the creative writing community in the UK and elsewhere. If you would like your work to be seen by authors who might want to commission a map for their stories then this is an ideal opportunity.

For further information visit the Storyslingers site here

Given that you can use artwork you have already drawn, all you need to do is to submit a link to that artwork to enter - it's that easy!