If you're interested, the full version of the first edition is now available on YouTube!
There's a full, fancy press release here.
Butch Curry is an industry pro who owns and produces everything at Zombie Nirvana Games. He has a nice gallery of maps here:
Butch is also beginning a wonderful project to instruct others in fantasy cartography (using Photoshop), including both a book and podcast video tutorials (see a good sampling of the latter, on making parchment, here: http://www.zombienirvana.com/podcast...FCAP-beta.html)
My gallery is here
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"Keep your mind in hell, but despair not." --Saint Silouan [1866-1938]
If you're interested, the full version of the first edition is now available on YouTube!
There's a full, fancy press release here.
The second episode of FCAP is now available on YouTube!
Okay, Butch, I'm not sure how much time & effort it requires of you to make these little videos, but I must say they are the coolest things to come along since sliced cheese. Both of them have made me incredibly happy! They are so clear, so useful, so easy to follow, so professionally preplanned and delivered, and (if I may say so) your voice is so jovially upbeat that I feel better about life after watching a 7 minute 38 second video on creating a crinkled piece of parchment!
Keep 'em comin'! Keep 'em comin'!
My gallery is here
__________________________________________________ _______
"Keep your mind in hell, but despair not." --Saint Silouan [1866-1938]
Aw, shucks!![]()
Thanks for your kind words!
Along with the podcast, I've also been posting up some general Photoshop tips and tricks at ZombieNirvana.com. I'm aiming to put them up on Tuesdays going forward, but my wife broke her foot yesterday, so the second one didn't go online til today!
Last weeks was a faux-Render>Lighting Effects trick that gives you an excuse to play with Blend Modes. This week I've got some tips on color, including how to make better use of the Picker, the Gamut Warning, and color proofing.
Both tips are still right on the front page!
Could I put in a request for Masks? I still don't understand how they work, but have heard that they are very important to getting to the next level with PS. I also heard there were several different kinds of masks, but I only know of one.
No problem! I'll make that my next tip of the week. (Maybe 2 weeks... it's a pretty big topic to cover.)