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Thread: Amateur!

  1. #1
    Guild Applicant Facebook Connected
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    Help Amateur!

    So, I've started working on a campaign setting for my D&D 5E game, and I figured it needed a map. So, I started doing tutorials to get a general idea of how to create on in Photoshop. However, after I have my initial landmass I realized that I had little to no knowledge of where mountains, rivers, forests, and other stuff should be. So if it wouldn't be too much
    - I'd like advice, recommendations, pointers, and whatever other wisdom that I lack. One thing that is very important to me is a fantasy map that is based in reality - so I want the geography to make sense logically.

    The top to bottom is about 4,000 miles and about 1500 miles wide - this is a rough estimate.

    It rests in the northern hemisphere - with the bottom getting close to the equator. Though I didn't mean for it to be initially - it would share a lot in common with Westeros from A Song of Ice and Fire - though I don't want to copy much of anything. I have played around with locations for mountain ranges, forests, but I never seem to be satisfied with it due to my lack of knowledge.

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    Last edited by Justin Goldsmith; 06-16-2016 at 07:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Guild Applicant Facebook Connected
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    Bump? Anyone have any advice at all?

  3. #3
    Guild Journeyer Savage Orc's Avatar
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    Check out this tread it talks a little about mountains.

    I'm no expert but I just place mountains where I think makes sense or where I know where I want separation or boundary for countries. And think of them in terms of ranges and not individual mountains. Start placing your mountains and rivers and other features and I'm sure there are plenty who can give advice if something doesn't look right.

    Don't offend the river police or they will bust you for sure

    Look forward to see how you develop your map

  4. #4
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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    I don't make this type of map very often so I am not the best one to give advice, but do as Savage Orc says. Place your mountains first, then hills, then you will get an idea where the rivers go. Remember, they always flow downhill following the easiest path. Smaller rivers join together to form bigger ones all headed in the same direction, rivers seldom split and go in 2 directions. Multiple rivers can flow into a lake but usually only 1 river flows out of a lake ( it does happen, but mostly only where there are dams. Rivers never connect from one ocean to another, manmade canals and some natural channels do but not rivers.
    Cities are often at ports or on rivers, but not always. Once you have your cities, connect them with roads. place towns and villages at strategic spots on the roads,like crossroads.

  5. #5


    I have made simulation software to address this issue.
    HOWEVER: I have to say this:

    1. it's a fantasy world.
    2. If you can't spot it, your players won't either
    3. rivers don't go uphill
    4. Forests are fewer in the cold areas
    5. Forests usually don't go high in the mountains
    6. Deserts can be surprisingly small
    7. Hills are often in the base of mountains
    8. Unsettled land is often covered in forests... except if you're in the steppes or Savanna.

    9. Check maps of Earth continents to get a feel of how it is and don't sweat it. There are tons of places in Earth that are not "realistic" (I'm looking at YOU Australia!)

  6. #6
    Software Dev/Rep Hai-Etlik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alhoon View Post
    I have made simulation software to address this issue.
    2. If you can't spot it, your players won't either
    Unless they know more about geography than you do.

  7. #7
    Guild Expert ladiestorm's Avatar
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    I'm no expert by any means, but perhaps I can help you with the mountains. There are.generally two types.of.mountain ranges - tectonic ranges, and volcanic ranges.

    Tectonic ranges tend to form in linearly, along tectonic plates. There are exceptions, of course, this is just a general rule. Now land masses also generally form in the direction of tectonic plates. But, you can have more.than one set of.tectonic plates.under any land mass. So for example, in your long North to South land mass, you might have two or three mountain ranges. One or two following the thectonic plates North to South, and then further down another range that follows tectonic plates from East to West/Southwest.

    Now volcanic mountain ranges generally form circularly - volcano's erupting, spewing lava which flows downward, then cooling to form the base for newer mountains. Now these generally tend to form island chains, but there are active and dormant volcanoes outside of island chains... Mt. St.Helen for perhaps theountains on your South Western continent were formed by volcanoes, in a more rounded progression.

    Ultimately the choice is yours, based on what you need. I hope this helps!
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