Here's the map I created for the July/August 2024 Mapping Challenge. WIP thread here.

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Welcome to the Nandalekon System! A solar system steeped in ancient forgotten history and modern galactic business, orbiting a large O-type star (blue giant). While humans traverse many corners of this system - mining, syphoning from gas giants, and scrounging up ancient tech - there are five locations that are most pivotal to this systems life. These are highlighted in the insets on the right side of the frame and are the following:

Glegid: Beneath the icy shell of this frozen planet, remains forgotten place of refuge for this system's original intelligent lifeforms: Reishi. Eons have past since the Reishi ruled the system, and their levels of technology have devolved far when their ancestors traversed the galaxies. Yet they have maintained some semblance of civilization under the ice, unbeknownst to the human inhabitants of the Nandalekon System... for now.

Mendellion Gate: Such was the technology of the Reishi's ancestors, that 2.3 million years later, the pinnacle of their achievement remains, functional as ever: the Mendellion Gate. This megastructure maintains a stable wormhole to the Kerapas Galaxy even now, and serves as memorial to Reishi's success and the eventual cause of their destruction.

Hiraeth: A superearth, mutated beyond the means of any natural evolution, the planet Hiraeth is the remnant of the Reishi homeworld, corrupted by the awful - and forgotten - fate that seeped through the Mendellion Gate and destroyed their civilization over 2 million years ago. What life remains is tarnished, corrupt, and devoid of any semblance of nature. Travellers beware.

Leth Station: Leth Station is the prize possession of Tarius Holdings, the corporation that maintains the concession of the Nandalekon System from the United Federation of Earth. This orbital factory hovers close to the superjovian gas giant of Asterion, and secretly churns outs human clones in preparation for the Federation's next push for conquest across the Milky Way. Some who know of Leth Station's secret existence say it was the reason Tarius Holdings was granted the concession of the Nandalekon System to begin with.

Arquis: The initial draw of humans to the Nandalekon System, was the discovery of Arquis a terrestrial planet in the habitable zone, with similar makeup and atmosphere as earth. Initially a small human colony, over the past 70 years, Tarius Holdings has turned the planet into their corporate home, building megacities, industrial complexes, and mines across Arquis.