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Thread: List of Name Generators

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  1. #1
    Guild Member Gan's Avatar
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    May 2011

    Default List of Name Generators

    I think this thread may be to the top of the page (I don't know the word, lol; importantized?). If someone want to share his knowledge with us and knows a good name generator, well, post it here!

    I was wondering why there was no topic like this in this section. So here I am. I will post more links if mods think this is a good idea. I mean: why not?

    Also remember: yes, we have generators and auto names. But nothing can reach your own names.

    Rinkworks (link)
    This name generator is complete. It has various types (default, short, fantasy, latin etc.) and it has also a template for make your own generator!

    Squid (link)
    Nice one. You can select from a lot of options, or take a fast one in the bottom of the page (select a template). You can take cultural names (afghul, afrika, arabic, norway etc.), places (coastal, cities, geographic) and also names of people.

    Yafnag (link)
    In this one you simply create your own name. Select 'min' and 'max' number of letters and start generating. If you want, you can apply a prefix/suffix to your name.

    Donjon (link)
    I think this one is really useful. You can create almost everything: from fantasy settings names (places and races), to ancient and hystorical names. Slavic and italian names, anyone? Very good, anyway.

    Serendipity (link)
    With this name generator you can choose between places and names. It has generators for cities, towns, places and locations, sites and strongholds. Very interesting.

    Generic Place (link)
    Simple and clean.

    Regency Place (link)
    As above.

    Manon's Garden (link)
    Reload the page for more names.

    Namesmade (link)
    Select a range of names and start generating.

    Ebon (Shareware) (link)
    The Everchanging Book of Names is a shareware very useful. You can download templates and make your custom ones, but as long as you don't pay, you can generate only 5 names (except for the default templates). Price: EUR 10.00, USD 10.00, or GBP 7.00.
    Last edited by Gan; 10-23-2011 at 11:30 AM.

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