Ça fait des grosse rames. J'aime bien le style.
This is a map done last year for my Tipeee (along with the plans of a few buildings of the city). It's in the world of my Domhantyr map. Truth be told, it took me a long time to do this one...
If you remember it - as well as the map of the sea roads of Tarasques - Saranie is city is a lercaride city, built on the back of a tarasque.
Hope you'll like it!
(And sorry for the french )
Ça fait des grosse rames. J'aime bien le style.
My Deviantart: https://vincent--l.deviantart.com/
Nice! I like how the oars fade into the waters. I would like to see the ship from a perspective too, thoygh, to see the hull... Are these oars operated mechanically?
Thanks, MMM ! I first thought of doing some perspective view of each side... but this took me too much time already and I had no place for them (a lot of text to put).
Here are the SK models.
Saranie d2.pngSaranie g2.png
And here are parts of the travel book of my character about the tarasque. The "oars" are more like floats, helping the side districts to be stable. The entire movement is due to the tarasque itself.
Notebook part1.jpgNotebook part2.jpg
ça déchire!!!
ça me rappelle le "Vaisseau Monde" paru dans Graâl il y a bien longtemps
It rocks!! I love the idea.
It reminds me the Vessel World, from an old french RPG magazine, Graâl. It was a gigantic boat with a city inside!
This is amazing!!
Francesca Baerald - http://www.francescabaerald.com/maps/
Thanks again, MMM .
Héhé, merci beaucoup ! I don't know this old RPG mag (un fanzine?) but I love this kind of concept.By Fol2dol
It rocks!! I love the idea.
It reminds me the Vessel World, from an old french RPG magazine, Graâl. It was a gigantic boat with a city inside!
Thanks a lot, Francesca ! Your work is an inspiration for me, and I tried (at my own scale) to do something with the frame here.By Francesca Baerald
This is amazing!!
That's a really neat idea and a lovely execution!
Mapping blog, my maps mixed with the maps of many other people: https://oldearthmapping.tumblr.com
Avatar by the fantastic Brian Farrar: https://artblaster.tumblr.com