Hey Guys,
Ishmayl here. Arcana, Nathan (from PlotStorming), and I have been working on all kinds of ways to get our three communities more involved with each other. You've seen our first Alliance Contest - the kinks are still being worked out, but we feel it's a good start. Well, the Campaign Builders' Guild publishes an (almost) monthly e-zine that focuses on the craft of building campaigns, and now that we have the Alliance of Creative Communities up and running, we would like to find some way to incorporate our friendly neighbors into the zine. We would like to be able to showcase anything in the zine that fits well with the concept of "building campaigns," and are more than willing to take suggestions and ideas from the people of Cartographers Guild. We would also like to make a request for some blank maps that could be used as stepping stones for people who read the guide. We're thinking it would be a good idea for both people reading, as well as for the Cartographers' Guild, if every issue of the Guide had one or two blank maps (regional, city, continental, whatever!) for people to make use of. By blank, I mean it has all the topography such as mountains, rivers, forests, it just doesn't have any labels. We would put a nice little blurb about the Cartographers Guild beneath any entries, as well as some information about the artist.

If anyone here is interested in this, please feel free to PM me or email me at fallen_ishmayl {at} yahoo {dot} com.
