Hey guys,

I've been playing around with some new styles and keep searching for something that I like. I've been working on writing some stories to keep the ol' writing brain from getting rusty, and thought I'd play around in the sandbox of ps5 and see if I got anything.

This place has no name, and I don't really have anything associated with it, but I thought I'd post it as a WIP. I decided to (quite intentionally) leave out the rivers, as those are a huge time consumer when I just wanted to work on some of the overall look and feel of the maps rather than making something complete for now. Gotta credit the awesome Ascension and Jezelf for their great tutorials, without which I would still be stumbling around in the dark and making funky swaths of badly-textured colors and calling it a map! =P

I'd appreciate a critique and any comments or suggestions about what you guys think would look good or that I could improve on here!

And, most importantly, Thanks for looking guys!

Aurea map basic.jpg