"In a time long, long ago, there lies a valley far, far away. And in this valley, one can find
all that anyone ever needed: clean rivers, fertile farmlands, thick forests, and plenty of
animals for hunting and breeding. To the south and west lie the Grasslands, slowly
giving way to rocky terrain and a vast, sand-filled desert; to the north, the Ice Peaks
mountains, with little in the way of navigable passes; and to the east, the Winding
Woods, bursting with life and covering the horizon with an ocean of emerald-clad trees.
An ancient place, that forest. It is filled with wooden giants, behemoth trees the size of
houses. And just like houses, they creak like an old wooden floor when the wind blows.
All manner of animals, spirits and monsters live within the Woods. What’s more, many
valley folk claim to have met the forest guardians, mischievous little fairies who delight
in misdirecting those who venture in. Whether the stories are true or not, those who
have tried exploring the Woods’ depths were eventually found on the outskirts a few
days later, with only the vaguest of memories of what happened." - The Ark Valley by Triden Gaming

It is a project that I was asked to help with, a map of The Ark Valley, a novel available on Patreon