This map covers some key plot points from Stephen King’s Dark Tower series. WARNING! THE MAP CONTAINS SPOILERS! For those who aren't familiar with the Dark Tower series, it starts (as does the timeline on my map) with Roland following the Man in Black into the Mohaine Desert; the town of Tull is behind him when the novel begins. Roland is the last; his world has "emptied" and "moved on" so things like time, direction, and distance are no longer trustworthy.

As Roland follows the Man in Black and seeks the Dark Tower, he assembles a ka-tet – a group of people bound together by Ka, which is fate/destiny and a universal force. The ka-tet eventually finds the path of the bear-turtle beam, which leads to the Dark Tower. This map follows Roland and the members of his ka-tet on their journey from start to finish, from The Gunslinger through The Dark Tower.

WIP thread is here:

DT Full Journey draft v18 (sm).jpg