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Thread: Brevoy and the surrounding kingdoms (world of Golarion)

  1. #1

    Map Brevoy and the surrounding kingdoms (world of Golarion)

    Hello everyone.

    Here is an album of maps depicting the nation of Brevoy and its surroundings (such as Iobaria, the River kingdoms and Numeria), from the Pathfinder setting of Golarion. I originally started this project because of frustration with the available maps (the "link" between Iobaria and Brevoy being unclear, the relative position of the many things in the Stolen Lands in relation to bigger maps, as well as the uncharted land south-east of brevoy).

    Imgur Album
    (I can't figure out how to embed an image on this thread without it being way, way too big, any way to resize it?)

    This is the very first time i've tried making a "big" map project like this, and my first time making anything similar on photoshop (I used to make them hand drawn), although i've used photoshop for a long time on artistic projects.
    As such, while i'm very happy with this detailed map and i'm certain it'll be incredibly useful in my Pathfinder campaign, there's many things wrong with it, i've learned a ton and i'm ready to improve on things when I start my next project.

    One of my biggest mistakes, I feel, is the lack of preparation and proper planning, as well as the "rushed" feel of many elements. For example, the lines of rivers and mountains or the colouring of certain elements is somewhat sloppy once you zoom in.

    Next time, proper planning, working on a precise grid, making rough drafts before going over every detail and making them as neat and clean as I can would be a good start. As well as smaller things such as better looking mountains and mountain ranges, maybe better looking forests, better labels (size, font and placement) would also be nice.

    Happy to take any suggestions or criticism you might have ! Hope you enjoy the maps.

  2. #2
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Maine, USA


    Nice work. I'm not familiar with Golarion, but it looks good to me!

  3. #3


    Not too bad Narolas. Now, if you can pull all of that together into one cohesive map...
    That is a lot of info for one map but it is doable. That will take a bit of planning though.

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