First of all, thank you in advance for looking at this request.

Project Scope:
I am attempting to get my wife and daughter into D&D, as a way to enjoy each others company since I work 6 hours from home and don't get to see them as often as i'd like.
I have set up a Roll20 account and my daughter suprised me by wanting to play an assassin (She's really not violent ;-) LOL). That being said, I imagine her becoming an agent for one of the powerful cities of the Sword Coast and the agency would like to have the typical cast of characters common in a Bond movie (Q, M, Montypenny, and any other I can think of).

D&D 5E - Forgotten Realms in the town of Triboar

Design Concept:
I would like to use Building #: T7 of the Triboar map embedded below.


This building is listed as "Ransor's Open Road" but as the shopkeep was crooked, I imagine it being purchased by the "MI-6" replacement agency known as "The Ravens". The newly opened shop is now run as a "Front" selling feed, rations and caravan supplies and, I imagine, it has a back room that my daughter's character can enter and then use a secret door to enter the headquarters called the "Triboar Raven's Nest"

Something along these lines:

To elaborate, I imagine the following rooms:
  • Spiral Staircase from the Shop
  • Entry with a Secretary & Guard post
  • A larger office for the "M" equivalent
  • A Conference Room
  • A Cafeteria
  • A Barracks
  • A Library
  • A Weapons R&D Laboratory
  • An Armor R&D Laboratory
  • A Poisoner's R&D Laboratory
  • An Artificer R&D Laboratory
  • An open area for testing all of the above R&D items
  • A Practice room for hand to hand fighting
  • An archery and thrown weapon range

Number of maps: 2
One 2 dimensional color map appropriate for Roll20 use, with a grid, room numbers and a key to the number system.
One 2 dimensional color map appropriate for Roll20 use, without a grid or information

I'm unsure but i'd like it to be Hi Res PNG file for printing, but able to make a JPG version for Roll20 slightly smaller than 5MB
Full color

Remains with cartographer.
I would like to keep it for personal use only, but cartographer owns the map

Flexible. Still building many other maps for the game.


Thank you again, and this really would mean a lot even if they both hate D&D, but lets hope they don't.

Scott R. Reu
Please use subject line MI-6 Maps