wow - that's pretty cool - nice work![]()
~~~~FINAL UPDATE!~~~~ (Click on the photos to see them properly, for some reason this forum doesn't read the photos correctly)
What a journey it's been! This globe project has morphed into Verrago: The Fantasy Globe Game, please follow our socials at to stay up to date on the project!
And here's some lovely eye candy to feast upon!
So I put up a post a few years on this website asking questions about tiling pictures together in photoshop. Well, that was for this project. Here are some teasers on what it has turned into:
Last edited by Vigilus; 06-23-2024 at 04:27 PM.
wow - that's pretty cool - nice work![]()
regs tilt
:: My DnD page Encounter Depot free stuff for your game :: My work page Catapult ::
:: Finished Maps :: Competion maps - The Island of Dr. Rorshach ::
:: FREE Tiles - Compasses :: Other Taking a commision - Copyright & Creative Commons ::
Works under CC licence unless mentioned otherwise
I would also like to note the hardest part from going from 2d to 3d, while wanting to maintain accuracy of 2d drawings is not easy, yet you can see the gridlines in the last two pictures show how it was done. A fun, continuing project.
Thank you tilt! Here is what I am trying to do: make a game using new game engines. The advantage of this type of project output, vs. say a fully detailed amazing map, is that I am getting a team together to flesh it out. The 2d paper showing the mountains is for artistic coherency in the project, since people tend to make mountains differently. The team will give it another once over with whatever color scheme they want to set their own personal tone to the region that they are working on. The 3d globe is an advantage because it's going to be 3d scanned into a computer once it is finished, giving the world a preliminary height map as well, since the mountains are going to be textured slightly onto the surface of the globe. The final bonus of this approach is security, that pending any legal disputes over ownership, I own the physical globe and the maps, which all other works are a derivative thereof.
Last edited by Vigilus; 05-03-2016 at 06:52 PM.
Here are some more pictures, showing continents and how they look filled in with a white base coat. Note, the light blue and the dark blue will be faded together at a later date, those are finishing steps that aren't necessary at this point, you are just going for getting scale and world design first.
Yeah that looks amazing so far and sounds like an interesting and fun project. Curious to see it coming together.
Thank you for the support Josiah and Abu it means a lot!
Wow, that's looking really great! I will keep an eye on this thread for sure!
I've always found blending two colors after laying them down to be extremely difficult, but if you've got a technique for that, this'll become great.
Photography tip: steady the globe with something so both your hands are free to grab the camera, and brace your elbows on the table![]()