Tropical Reigions
* Green Sea: A Rain forest town, set deep in the jungle.
* Courthollow:
* Drake Harbor : A Sea-harbor in the Tropical regions
* Greystone: The first place visitors, or newcomers to Ikyou come to, affectionately called Fever city (for the experience the leyline fever)
* Looking Glass/Shinning Mirror:The Largest city in Ikyou, often spoke of as the 'Captiol' of Ikyou as its the most 'modern' city. The seat of Imperial Power, The Court of the Emperor, The City of the Heavens. - On a floating Isle.
* Blackleaf: A city know for its tea growers, and the specific BlackLeaf herb, said to prolong life.
* Brightwick: A town in the middle of a Temperate Forest.
* Ironvale:Iron works, and forging, mostly a Samurai 'town' but its also begun to attract people wishing to train and learn swordmanship.
* Light River: 6 rivers spring from the mountains and this town sits in the middle of the a 'lake', formed in one of the areas of convergence.
* Redmarble
ARID Regions: Desert, Sun, Scrub-Plains
* Golden Sands : A Low desert oasis town.
* Shadowsands : The desert city, a city of glassmakers traditionally, with all the sand.
* Stonewall: A Stone surrounded town in the middle of the High Desert.
*WaterBush: An Oasis town, marked by the fact that it is a subteranean town, in the rocks, fed by deep under ground rivers and pools.
* Wildeport: A portside city, known for its particular seafood, which uses only local herbs to impart flavor to its dishes.
* Wintermoor Lighthouse: A light just off the mainland, used to guide Island's ships to safe harbors.
RoseCliff: A Town and its surroundnding environs that are right by coast, a sheer cliff is the main feature, though ther are secret 'caves', and a cove from which boats launch.
Islands & Unusual Areas
* Manafold Spires: It's not a town persay, it an area of ancient power, legends tell of the Storm Barrier actually having come from the manas pires. There is a small town bearing its name, though its more of a collection of Shrines and worship places.
* Spellkeep Island: No human access, and seems to be protect by a guardian force.
* Shimmering Island
* Frozenwood : An alpine mountaneous region that gets snow much of the year, and cold weather pokemon tend to gather. Ice pokemon are essential for survival, and given preferential treatment. Heat and Flame are important, and the use of crystals to create 'gardens' for food in the deep winters, and in the brief spring/summer season is the only way to survive.