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Thread: Quest of the Drunken Master - The City of Bacchus

  1. #1
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    Default Quest of the Drunken Master - The City of Bacchus

    So, I didn't manage to finish this due to difficulties around the deadline for the competition. Now I'm done with NaNoWriMo and have some time for mapping again - so here goes. The first update on the city. I've started on making shadows from the houses - which does make me doubt my sanity in making that many houses LOL.

    Temple of the Drunken Master has always been there. No one knows when it was first built but ever since the city was but a hamlet the temple was training its monks and those monks were visiting the single inn in the nearby hamlet. These days the hamlet as grown to a full city and the inns are plentiful and the monks visit them all, and if anybody tries to open an inn that is sub par, the monks will not visit and neither will anybody else.

    To train at the temple you have to take a quest first. The Quest of the Drunken Master. *drumroll*

    As evening falls and the sun touches the horizon you shall begin your quest. You shall visit the inns listed and drink the drink required in each inn. You will be watched by the Master who has eyes everywhere and should you not empty your drinks fully or throw up along the way you will not pass the test. When you have visited the last bar and drunk the last drink you will walk the 1267 steps up to the temple and present yourself for the Master, this must be done before the sun again touches the horizon coloring the sky once again with morning light.

    city of baccus 09.jpg

    original thread:
    Last edited by tilt; 12-05-2017 at 10:32 AM.
    regs tilt
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  2. #2


    Great looking city there Tilt. I dig that the city is divided by a set of cliffs from which flows a waterfall. Very picturesque.


  3. #3


    I'm glad to see you finishing this one!
    By Tilt
    I've started on making shadows from the houses - which does make me doubt my sanity in making that many houses LOL.
    I know that feeling .

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