Hello all!

I’m really excited to see such a growth in the number of maps aimed
at being scientifically accurate. I’m no expert on anything really, but
I’d figure I’d compile some information so it’s easy for everyone to
access. The goal of this thread is to motivate cartographers looking
to make scientifically accurate maps.

To that end, I've compiled some resources. The table of contents can
be found below.

Plate Tectonics (Post 2) Plates, Earth, Geography
Waterways (Post 3) Rivers, Lakes, Oceans, Water
Farming (Post 4) Agriculture, Flora, Plants, Farming

More to come soon...


- If you need to find something specific, use the search command on
your computer. “Ctrl” then “F” on a windows machine. “Command”,
then “F” on a mac. Search a keyword.

- I’m not a scientist or professional. If you see something that’s wrong
of if you disagree with something. Challenge it and message me. You
might be right.

- If you learned something or think this might be useful, share it about.
I’d love it if you could give someone who is asking a science question
this link.

- The images here are not copyrighted and the links include things that
belong to others. It’s not all mine.