Thanks for hosting, it was a fun challenge.
Terra Malus, by The Elderly Cartographer
Sombrelune, by fol2dol
from Shadow Coast to Mountains Mourning, by Chashio
The Dusken Horn, by GreatWhiteNorth
A Halloween Map, by Tonquani
An Adventurer's Guide to Mournhold, by Unibaby
the Goblin lands and their many pathetic neighbours, by Azélor
October 2019 entry, by Frost Birch
Mirrors of Worlds, by GodofMoxie
The Twilight Realms, by Greason Wolfe
Darkskull, by rdanhenry
October 2019 challenge wip, by delgondahntelius
Dark and mysterious, by Kisachik the Wanderer
Underground Cavern, by Shadow69
Great turnout - 14 entries! I was happy this one got people going.
It's my first time running a challenge. Thanks to Chashio for the original suggestion.
This is our second go round, but I'm sure we'll do it again at some point.
So the theme this month was to take a pre-made document that had some random names scattered around an otherwise blank canvas, and turn it into a map.
The entries are here:
See the all the Maps Here
For those of you that are new with us, make sure to click on the individual pictures for bigger versions.
Vote for as you like (though beyond 3 probably starts to make voting less effective.
Voting will end around this time on Sunday, and the winner (winners? we could have a tie) will get a shiny Golden Compass.
Rep those you feel deserve it.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
Thanks for hosting, it was a fun challenge.
Hello friends. Thank you for sharing your beautiful works. This challenge was a tough one. The label constraints actually made it more difficult than something like "use only pencils" or "only digital, no soft edges allowed, pixel art type work".
My favourite ones that speak to me of adventure, exploration and discovery are by Chashio, The Elderly Cartographer and Unibaby. The ones I appreciate for perseverance and hard work are by Chashio and GreatWhiteNorth.
This is a good time for challenges, it seems, as 13 out of 14 maps look finished. Congratulations to everyone who managed the deadline. I hope a new challenge is posted very soon, while everyone's still feeling this creative.
Great Job J.Edward. At least you didn't mess it up the first time like I did!
Great Job everyone! Great entries! This month's challenge was fun, and I enjoyed entering into the fray after ?? 10 years? I think, maybe 11. I even got a vote!! (Oh, that was me. )
I hope we get even more next month!! Keep those pens busy everyone!!
That was so difficult to narrow down to three and I'm not convinced I chose well either. Well done all.
I started a DeviantArt page
I quite agree!
Nearly impossible
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
Wonderful entries everyone, difficult to choose but finally narrowed it down to two entries: The Dusken Horn and From Shadowcoast to Mountains Mourning got my votes. However there were many other worthy maps as well.
There were a lot of good entries. I even like mine, although now I'm thinking Dweomer Lake should have had something glowing in its depths.
Thanks everyone. I was happy to host this one.
And it look slike I'll jump in for November.
So sharpen your quills and polish your ink pots.
I'm working up a fun idea as we speak...
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
You did a grand job of it, John
This is rather exciting! Are we going to have a tie this month?
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying