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Thread: Regional map, take two - Loridian Empire

  1. #1
    Guild Member
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Default Regional map, take two - Loridian Empire

    So, after a few days messing around on another project and some dungeons I needed for my group, I began to put together a second regional map with some of the things I learned from my first attempt. I stuck with the same style in CC3 as that symbol set is an absolute joy to work on and messed around with some of the sheet effects to just make it a little clearer.

    My initial idea for the region, as this is one I probably want to use for my DnD group, is of a country once made up of several smaller kingdoms based on the rivers, natural borders. Four rivers flowing into a narrow channel-like sea, creating natural political boundaries and then a more savage, remote kingdom to the north. All of this has since been united by the once savage, now gentrified midland/northern kingdom into one realm.

    With that in mind, I had a bit more of a clearer focus than I did for the Lost Coast map so I wasn't just chucking down random things and seeing what came out which I think is a better way to go. It also gave me more of an excuse to name things and get used to the text!

    So here's my first pass at it. There's several smaller rivers that feed into some of the lakes or larger waterways that need redrawing as they look a bit off and I need to name the mountain ranges, make a few tweaks here and there to other stuff but this, I think, is a good draft. All of the major, key features are there.

    I went with a text scheme of making town/city names flat text, whereas names of natural features are at angles or on a curve (depending on how it fits into the landscape). Hopefully that works to easily distinguish between the two though if anyone has suggestions on that I'm all ears (or eyes, as is the case on a forum).


  2. #2


    What a lovely map. Really like the way the mountains Y out like that for the mountain pass. Should make for some fun campaigning. I'm no expert, so I don't see anything wrong with it. I love what you've done with it and really don't have a problem with the text. Nice job. I'm sure your group will have tons of fun. Have a great game!

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