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Thread: Looking for Assistance with uncomplete thoughts

  1. #1

    Question Looking for Assistance with uncomplete thoughts

    I am trying to start world building a D&D world for mutliple on going games, but I've spent many hours in photoshop trying to make a world map ~ equal to that of the Earths size. Most of them just look too artifical and odd looking. So I'm looking for someone to please help me I am willing offer payment, but I would like a quote before any work is done. This is just to see if the commissions in gereral will be outside my general price range, of which I have not determined yet.

    On to the type of map as I said I am looking for it to be roughtly earth scale, vector if possible as I plan on using QGIS to keep track of world Information, I am more interested in the outline of continents, island, and geographic features such as biomes, rivers, mountian ranges, etc. I'm simply looking for it to been semi/mostly realistic is technical aspect such as plate techtonics and water/air currents. Color really isn't needed just basic areas marking biomes and other such information.

    If you think this is beyond the scope of the forum please let me know so I can archive/delete the post and I will try to continue my own maps.
    Again thanks in advance I am happy to provide any information that I can as soon as possible for any questions you guys/gals have.

  2. #2


    Hey there,

    As a geographer I have no problem making your world look realistic. I can't provide a vector file, but a high resolution PNG or JPG which you can for example use in world building tools such as Legendkeeper or You can check out the pricing and portfolio on my website and contact me at

  3. #3


    Hello Kolariah
    I'm interesting in your project, I make hand drawn maps, you can see my portfolio here

  4. #4


    I would be happy to help you with this. I specialize in Hand Drawn black and white maps, and can provide a few examples of my work. One example.

  5. #5

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