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Thread: Turn Based Fantasy-Civ Gameboard

  1. #1

    Wip Turn Based Fantasy-Civ Gameboard


    I'm currently working on a map gameboard to use for a Civilization style fantasy game I'll be running on a forum. I was looking for some input on whats good/bad about it before I use it for a test run of the game system. I used Photoshop CS5. I did download brushes to use, it's not all original art or anything.

    Here it is, and watch out, it's a big one:

    Let me know what you think!

  2. #2
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected timallen's Avatar
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    Looks nice so far!

    Two things stand out from a purely gaming perspective.

    First, you have rivers that seem to both go Through hexes And along hex-sides. I'd regularize those to all one way or all the other. And personally I would go for hex-sides, otherwise you could end up with having to come up with rules for players being in the same hex but on opposite sides of a river. Or a player with a unit in a river hex having to figure out which side of the river they are on.

    Second, the red dots are very large (and loud- a bit jarring in fact). So large that they overlap some other hexes. I can foresee some rules-lawyer type player saying it is unclear which hex the city/dot is in, or insisting its in more than one hex. I would make the dots smaller, not so bright, and try centering them more in the hex.

  3. #3
    Publisher Facebook Connected bartmoss's Avatar
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