
Created in: Adobe Photoshop CS 5.1
Hardware used: 2009 Macbook Pro / Wacom Bamboo tablet

This was my entry for the Jan/Feb '18 Lite Challenge: Map a Mysterious Entrance

The challenge made me think immediately of Stargate the TV series. It always struck me as odd that the planets with the gates on them would just let the team comes through with there weapons. Nobody was protecting the gate on most worlds. I think if you knew people could come through without any warning, you'd have defenses set up.

Anyway, my idea is a village near an old forest, rarely entered, discovered a portal/gate set-up in the nearby forest. This was through chance as the area is rarely traveled, but it looked like the gate hadn't been there all that long. No one new the reason for the gate, or if anyone had come through. The villagers then decided they needed to watch the gate and set defenses. This map is to be a layout of those defenses. The setting is like a D&D Points of Light fantasy setting.

I received a few votes in the challenge but again winning wasn't my overall goal. I learned more about map creation in Photoshop, using layers and layer effects. Bogie helped my out by supplying a Stargate icon and I used a pre-made ballista icon from a Dunjinni set. Some textures of Mouse were used for the paper, grass and roofs.

Original thread:
WIP Thread