Hello, my name is Kelby (quite a unique name, I know), and I'm from Mesa, Arizona (one of those cities bunched under the big ol' Phoenix area). I'm 18 years old and am about to finish my senior year at high school, then on my way to college.

About a year ago, I got into D&D, and am now DMing my own campaigns. That's what led me here. I'm a lover of logic and minimalism, which in turn has given me appreciation for the beauty of cartography. I am far from the talent level necessary to craft my own maps, so instead I am here to gaze at the fantastic pieces of art you talented folk have created.

From the short amount of time I've poked around on this website, I'm in awe at the pure skill and craftsmanship of the fellow members of this site. I'm excited to continue my search through the fantastic oeuvre of the amazing people here!