Life is busy. There always seems a ton to do, commissions, work, family, and finding time to make a personal map or one for a challenge is often hard. So, the challenge this time is to complete a map within 5 hours.

The theme can be anything, though if you want inspiration you can look at any past challenge (or the previous wheel of prompts challenge).
The map does not have to be completed in one sitting. Any timer can be used, though one that saves the time between each session is ideal (such as the windows stopwatch). As always we are relying on people to tell the truth as to their stated completion time.
Because this is a two month challenge and the time limit is very short, there will be a slight adjustment to the usual rules for this challenge: you may have more than one entry.

Usual rules:
1. Any map for this challenge cannot have been started before now
2. Label your map thread like this: September/October 2024 Challenge: (your title here)
3. Preface any work-in-progress pictures you post with the WIP tag button - it's in the toolbar on the second row down, towards the right. Or you can just type out ### Latest WIP ### Doing this allows the picture scraper to see your work and let the voters see it at the end of the month
4. Post your final time upon completion of the map (optionally you can keep track of the time on each post)

The Challenge will run until the 1st of November (UTC).

Good Luck!