Challenge Suggestion: Map a Railway
I've noticed that there's a certain dearth of maps of railway routes and networks in our collections, or at least, there are very few maps that feature railways as the primary focus.
This is terrible! Railways are a vital part of infrastructure. We've had shipping routes, roads, hyperspace highways and all other sorts, but, alas! Where are the railways?
Okay, that was a slight exaggeration.
Suggestion: Participants map a fictional* railway route or network. Like our river challenge, make any kind of map you want, from futuristic to post-apocalyptic, from steampunk-themed to underground, from regional to pan-continental; but the focus must be upon the railway(s).
(*This would be entirely up to debate, but I'd think that more creativity would be shown if we took inspiration from existing railways, rather than their actual routes.)
- Corilliant