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Thread: Getting back into it: My latest work in progress

  1. #1

    Default Getting back into it: My latest work in progress

    I haven't been doing much drawing for a while, but I recently started this map and wanted to showcase it here, even though it isn't quite finished. I've got it mostly in pen, but please, let me know what you think!

    2k18 Wrendm.jpg
    Last edited by Dromedary; 07-19-2018 at 02:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Guild Novice
    Join Date
    May 2017


    I love it a lot! The coast looks incredibly natural, the shape of the continent is really interesting (Although it does suffer a bit from fitting to the edges of the paper, forming an almost rectangular shape). The mountains are really the only part i don't like about this, with them looking more like hills, although that might just be a stylistic choice.

  3. #3
    Guild Member AlfansosRevenge's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2018
    Georgia, USA


    I like the look of your line art. Very clean and easy to read. Do you plan to add color?

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by AlfansosRevenge View Post
    I like the look of your line art. Very clean and easy to read. Do you plan to add color?
    No, I don't think so, I've never really worked with color and I am not confident in my ability too. I might do something on GIMP after I scan it, but that will be pretty basic, like giving it an old paper look or something.

    The mountains are really the only part i don't like about this, with them looking more like hills, although that might just be a stylistic choice.
    I see what you mean. I wanted to try this new mountain style, and that's what I started with. But when I added the other components, I used the same style that I had been using with the ridge-line technique, and the two don't go together that well.

  5. #5
    Professional Artist ThomasR's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Angers, France


    Nice one ! Perhaps some more overlapping mountains could help give an impression of relief. Also I love your river system but I feel some relief is missing in the upper part, a little bit left of the center. Keep at it

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