Map of Assalar, The Frontier

Beyond the capital state of Agmar and the rocky valley of Ari and east of the Great Cloudy Mountains, over whom no rain can navigate, is the arid land of Assalar. Ruddy mountains descend into red sandstone, badlands wherein dragons dwell. Canyons rive the grassy plains and give shelter to the savage headhunter tribe, Blackhorns. The crystalline waters of Edenmere ebbs gently against the skeletal remains of Edenbank, the once beauteous, capital city of Assalar before the Blackhorns sacked it. Across the precipice of the red cliff, rises the indomitable Ruddistone Castle embracing its dependent city within its protective battlements, like a husband sheltering the wife of his youth. Lest the Blackhorns come again to murder and plunder.

Map of Assalar.png

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