Map (Click to enlarge)
Created in: Photoshop
Another city map, but no less beautiful than the ones which have come before. Where do these city mappers find the talent and patience to complete these huge undertakings? It bears stating that Katerek drew this map in between his wife having a new baby and having to rebuild his computer.
Katerek's map uses simple colours and is a masterclass in clarity of design. The posted version weighs in at a large 3722 X 2451 pixels. I suspect the original was larger than that. The number of buildings, all individually drawn with thought about their function and context is staggering. In Katerek's words:I did 99% of the buildings by hand. In photoshop, I use the Line Tool to do the borders of each building in a basic black color. Then I go back and fill each shape with white using a tolerance of 1.
Katerek posted the map in various stages of development on the WIP thread, which gives us a good idea as to how large city maps are constructed, starting with a pencil and paper rough and evolving into a map of beauty and deft touch. As usual, constructive C&Cs were given by the community which helped Karetek's quest in completing the map.
Thank you Katerek for sharing your talent with us!
Original Thread
To go to the original thread click here.