
Part of my big project to draw a whole planet, I was wondering where normally people tend to place orcs, elves, goblins, kobolds, mages.
In my world there are different tribes of goblins, but one of them actually lives in a pine forest way up north.
Orcs, some of them live in the savanah, others in a fungus biome, and more have decided to form an empire with some humans in some vast plains.
Elves, for now, are in the forests and redwoods.
Kobolds I have no Idea...

Another tricky question is skin colour... Must I absolutely correlate the colour of skin with the lattitudes and climates? If there is a massive migration of black people up north, would a few thousand years affect their pigmentation and vice versa if a white population goes to warm and sunny places?

Also... I am quite curious about something else... Does skin colour simply imply a genetic diversity with other races such as elves, or not? I mean, a black elf from what I know is different not just because of the skin but from its attributes... Dwarves I guess wouldn't bother with skin colour... Orcs, normally it goes from grey to green?