Nice! Thanks for the heads up!
For those interested, DungeonCrafter 3 has just come out. The program was very popular for a time.
You can find it here.
Nice! Thanks for the heads up!
Thanks, Istarlome. What a neat program--especially for freeware! I'm imagining it would be especially useful for that last-minute map you didn't know you needed until the last minute. Are you a Dungeonforge fan? Can you say a bit more about it?
My gallery is here
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"Keep your mind in hell, but despair not." --Saint Silouan [1866-1938]
DungeonForge is a really nice program for those who want to be able to but together good maps for RPG. You can map out really great maps in minutes. That is floorplans and village/city maps of simple design.
MapX is the next generation of DF. I think the goal is to provide a nice program that is pretty powerful and nearly on par with DJ and CC3. You can make floorplans, city and continant maps with it that are second to no other mapping program of this type. Graphics programs will give better results but in much more time.
The only limit is the graphics sets. It uses png and other file types so the draw back will be easily over come. I've posted many sets from classic tsr to graphics which I think are at least as good as those of Fractal Mapper.
Now MapX does have a few bugs but nothing that's you can work around. The next version will be great. And its free.
Here are several maps done with MapX. I did the graphics with the Gimp.
Nice samples, Istarlome.
Looking for battlemap creation software that can be used to create gorgeous print-resolution output on Windows or Mac OS?
Give MapForge a try.