good plan ! It reminds me of Cyrodiil (elder scroll) !
Looking forward to see next step
Finally getting round to putting something in here, as December always is such a busy month!
Here is some rather quickly written up lore I wrote:
Peace has no meaning without war, and so it was with the city of Aldengard. Dwarves and elves forever at each others throat, the stone hitting hard against forest. But as it is with all wars, the soldiers are people and, legend has it that, at the end of a long and bloody battle, stood a lone dwarf and opposite him an elf. Battle-weary, both collapsed to the ground with no desire to fight. Without meaning to, they began to speak of their homes, their differences, but most of all, what they had in common. It is said that the very next day, after bidding their farewells to their fallen, the two marched into the hills and found a plain where two rivers met. Surrounded by an abundance of trees, water and stone, it was here they founded Aldengard.
Who knows the truth of that tale, but what is sure is now over 1000 years later, the city has grown immensely, the dwarf's carefully planned designs bonded alongside the magic of the elf. Circling canals provide life to all within, from the scattered slums to the inner crescents, nourishing agriculture and powering factories alike. It is a city of great structure, but equally of natural growth. Some dislike the tall walls encircling the city, saying they embody the very essence of war, but to others they are the exact opposite, an impressive reminder of the peace that founded Aldengard, a peace that brought together the very best of both dwarves and elves, a peace that still rings true across all its citizens.
Here's the super rough draft of the city.
### Latest WIP ###
Super Rough Layout.jpg
good plan ! It reminds me of Cyrodiil (elder scroll) !
Looking forward to see next step
This is looking great Greg! Great idea for this challenge.
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That's a very nice first design Greg! Looking forward to seeing this city develop!
Some of those buildings have been cut in half by the draft canals and things! Great idea, though.
Looking forward to the development![]()
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
The first thing that jumped to my eye with this one was the name "Aldengard" - because first I read "Albengard" - which is a city within my own universe as well.
Anyway, about the map: It's really nice! :O I am wondering how it will look now when it's done...Really looking forward to it
I love the two moons, they give a great sense of symmetry and harmony to the map.
Yeah, I can see that. I must replay one of those at some point!
Cheers, Tony!
Thanks, Dan, though alas it won't be the same style as my Aes map.
Haha, everyone loves cut in half, stupidly small pointless buildings!
Haha, how weird!
Thanks, Thomas, yeah, they certainly offer a bit of balance to some of the asymmetry of the sprawl.
Okay, here's an update. Added the slums in, tracked out some rough central roads, added some border stuff, and placed some outer hill shadows.
### Latest WIP ###
Austin City Map Guild Update.jpg
Wow! That's HUGE city to try and draw in such a short time.
You can do it, though, Greg. I have every faith in you![]()
Free parchments | Free seamless textures | Battle tiles / floor patterns | Room 1024 - textures for CC3 | GUILD CITY INDEX
No one is ever a failure until they give up trying
I just wanted to say the same - as Mouse, I mean. Also love the outline around it. Gives a very epic feel to it <3 I like, in general. Apart from that these perfectly circular cities always have this very artificial feel to them, but well... I do love the styleBtw, Greg, once I've drawn Albengard, I'll send it to you
I can guarantee you, it looks nothing like Aldengard xD