Hey folks! I've been lurking here a while and I want to try to get involved a little. My name is Wade and I live in Georgia in the United States. I'm not much of an artist, but I love working on maps and devising worlds and coming up with who/what lives there. I'm an aspiring fiction writer, a self-taught hobbyist graphic designer, and I occasionally dabble in rpgs.

I'm not very good with the whole social media/on-line scene, but I'm working on it. So I apologize in advance if my on-line etiquette/people skills are lacking (I'm an in person kinda guy).

I have experience with Photoshop CC, Campaign Cartographer software (CC3/+, CD3, DD3, etc.) including Fractal Terrains 3, and Wilbur (although my experience with Wilbur is limited). I do not claim mastery of any of these applications, but I'm a nice guy and would be glad to help in any way that I can, so please don't hesitate to ask questions. I suppose after I've passed my initiation I can use the private message feature on here...

I still have yet to post a map.......

Well, that sums it up for me. Glad to be part of the community!