I've been following the Israh tutorial to see if I could make a world I would be happy with.
However I'm experiencing a problem when I'm trying to export my FT3 world into Wilbur, after I've done the first round of erosion.

I've only tried the 'Tutorial for Cartographer’s Guild', otherwise I don't have any experience with FT3 or Wilbur.

My worlds resolution is 4096 and I'm saving it as a special mdr file with a width of 4096.

But when I first opened it in Wilbur, I only got a map of the land and sea, with no heightmap on it:

Compared to the map in FT3:

I figured there might have been an error in the FT3 save I had, so I tried to make a random map, without editing it, and export that.
But when I save it as a special mdr file, it isn't saved as an mdr file but just a 'file'.
And if I try to open it in Wilbur, I get this error message:

If anyone knows what causes these two problems and/or how to fix it, I would be very happy to know it! *