The weathered parchment is fantastic, and it looks like the paper is sitting on a slightly tilted blotter or something. Looking forward to seeing more.
I have recently started work on my first map made entirely in photoshop. It is a map of Serth, the world that my horror RPG takes place in.
What iv done:
drawn outline
put on parchment
Still to do:
add mountains
add forest
add places
add labels
add measure
add compass
Any C&C on what i can change/improve would be appreciated
The weathered parchment is fantastic, and it looks like the paper is sitting on a slightly tilted blotter or something. Looking forward to seeing more.
My Finished Maps | My Challenge Maps | Still poking around occasionally...
Unless otherwise stated by me in the post, all work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.
The paper is top notch.
PBP at Roleplaymarket
thanks guys, im a bit worried about the coast lines, they just look a bit, odd, what do you kind people think?
The coast lines is on apr with the fact that it's sitting on an old, weathered piece of parchment. One could deduce that it was done in a time when knowledge of cartography was at it begining. This would be a very nice handout to the players i think.
The truth detective
I think the coast lines could use some smoothing. They seem to be almost pixelated and blocky. Zoom way the hell in and smooth the buggers out. Also I would suggest some line width variation as well. That might authentic it up a bit as well.
Great parchment texture though.
Something witty and pithy
smoothing... yes, good idea, ill try that, and its pixelated, because... i enlarged it, about 300% from its origanal to put it onto parchmentand ;line width varyation, as in, make some parts of the line thicker? ok, i guess that would make it look for like it was drawn with a calligraphy pen, i have a reall dip pen blah blah thing, so ill spend a bi of time drawing lines, and see what they look like, and try recreate it
thankls everyone for the encoraging words
It almost looks "stretched" left-right. I think this is because all the long lines are horizontal.
Some suggestions
-Turn the peninsula in the upper left corner 90 deg. so that it has a vertical orientation
-Do the same with some of the islands.
-Or, scale the whole thing down so that it is narrower.
Or do what your creative inner eye tells you to do and ignore this stranger. ;-)
The only thing that strikes me as a bit odd is that really long canal to the east of the mainland, I can't think of what sort of plate movement would have formed that.
I agree with the pixelation issue... smooth it out, but I'd suggest also finding points to blur it a little, have it fade into the parchment. On something with ancient (and great) looking parchment like this, the writing on the parchment would be very weathered-looking as well. Probably some bleeding of the ink, if you can manage it, as well.
I think, therefore I am a nerd.
Cogito, ergo sum nerdem.
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Pimping my worldmap here. Still WIP... long way to go, but I'm pretty proud of what I've done so far...