I like it already. That alt-North America look is great.
Hello cartographers,
With the permission of the client, I want to share/receive feedback on my latest mapping endeavor. Khaz is a world map for a private world-bulding project. Half the size of Earth, full of interesting places, cultures and languages.
Here's the first file - lo-res of coastlines and coastal waves.
Khaz Lo-res.jpg
My business website: https://www.greatwhitenorthcartography.com/
My full cartographic portfolio: http://cargocollective.com/BodennerC...phic-Portfolio
My Patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/user?alert=2
I like it already. That alt-North America look is great.
This looks so good so far, if they say yes, you should totally share the finished product.
Good start with some really nice line work.
"We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams"
Great start! A vey nice way to do coastlines and good land shapes.
Update the first: most topographical information modeled. Some hills will probably be added in the southern part of the largest continent. Here's a full-res because I'm hoping for opinions about the mountains. If there are any regions that look particularly nice or bad I'd love input!
Khaz WIP 2.jpg
My business website: https://www.greatwhitenorthcartography.com/
My full cartographic portfolio: http://cargocollective.com/BodennerC...phic-Portfolio
My Patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/user?alert=2
It looks very good GWN! I would just add some space OR do kind of transition in two zones were the mountains are a bit too directly on the coast (in the red circles).
Probably a good idea. Space makes sense, but what do you mean by transition zone exactly?
My business website: https://www.greatwhitenorthcartography.com/
My full cartographic portfolio: http://cargocollective.com/BodennerC...phic-Portfolio
My Patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/user?alert=2
Probably a transition from mountains > intermediary terrain > shore/ocean. Maybe some hills between the mountains and sea? Or if the mountains come right up to the ocean and say howdy like that, maybe put some cliffs on the shoreline.
Well, what Diamond said .