Good afternoon!

I am looking to commission a map of a homebrew D&D 5E Campaign World.
I have a hand drawn map of it already (scanned from our DM) but I would like it reproduced semi-professionally. I am somewhat good with photoshop though the time and some of the skills are beyond my means. I've attached the hand drawn version that our DM did, it's open to some artistic interpretation but not too much (I don't want to muck with his vision, just exemplify it.)

Payment & Copyright
I am willing to pay for this commission of course, as for the copyright, I'm not overly concerned. It's for my personal use only. I am open to pricing and payment methods, and this can be discussed upon agreement of terms and scope.

Quality & Style
As mentioned, I intend to have the map just used for our campaign, so printed but nothing large scale or overtly detailed, though the map will be posted onto a group forum, so a quote for more detail would be welcome.

I really enjoy the style of the following maps, and would be looking for something similar.

Not really a tight timeline by any means. Weeks, or months. Something to be discussed.

Contact Info
Email is best: robjamesmorgan at gmail dot com but I have also subscribed to this thread with email notifications.


Thanks all!