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Thread: Looking for a cartographer to make digital maps for a D&D campaign

  1. #1

    Map Looking for a cartographer to make digital maps for a D&D campaign

    As suggested in the title, I'm making a D&D campaign to DM with some friends. However, my artistic capabilities are probably worse than a potato's. I've made some rough sketches for the maps to be based off of. I'd like to be able to print the map with generic printing paper.

    The Continent:
    You can ignore the divisions in the continent. Those were my half assed attempt at making borders.
    What's important is the region to the north-east, as that's where the campaign will be taking place.
    The arrow/"N" looking things are mountains. The squigly lines are forest. The line is a river. The circle is a city.
    Feel free to add anything that would make the continent seem more realistic: costal islands, deserts, swamps, tundra, more natural harbors, etc...

    The Region:
    This is a really shoddy attempt at blowing up the region for a region map. I kind of prefer this version as I want more land to the west of the river than to the east.
    The region is set to have a climate similar to Central/Northern Germany.
    Again, the arrows are mountains, the squigly lines are forest, the line running North to South is a river, the circle is a city. Notice the river comes down from a U shaped mountain. That's a crater.
    The area around the city is grassland/plains. The city itself is divided in half by a very large river.
    I plan on adding more sites of civilization, but that can be discussed later.
    Feel free to add anything that would make the region seem more realistic: River offshoots, lakes, snow-touched features, etc...

    You'll notice I added the [Paid?] tag to the subject. You'll also notice I am new here. I am not sure if this sort of request warrants pay. I'd prefer if it didn't, but it would not be an obstacle if it did. Feel free to contact me about this subject further at I'm not looking for professional work, anybody who can make it digitally will suffice. I don't plan on making money off these maps either, so feel free to use them in portfolios. I would just like to know if you ever do use them in the future. I look forward to seeing what becomes of this project.
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  2. #2
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
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  3. #3


    The request has been taken.

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