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Thread: Skirmish VTT Kickstarter

  1. #1
    Guild Adept Facebook Connected jpstod's Avatar
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    Info Skirmish VTT Kickstarter

    While not a "Map Generating Program" I feel this New VTT is a Viable option...Been interested in VTT for several years..tried a View..most fell way short of what I wanted in a program. I feel this one is worth taking a chance on.

    Take a look a see what yall think

    Skirmish! VT is a next-gen Virtual TableTop which helps to bring your Role Playing Games to life. Powerful, yet simple to use, it comes with an extensive set of features accompanied by a hi-quality content library. Furthermore Skirmish! can be used both on- and off-line to either support your local game table or connect with players all over the globe.

    What makes Skirmish! VT truly stand out though is its powerful plug-in system which lets anyone edit, expand or modify it to truly reflect the way they like to play.
    The Wayward Traveler
    Guildmaster Galveston Island Adventurer's Guild

  2. #2
    Community Leader Bogie's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Maine, USA


    Looks very interesting!

  3. #3

    Default Can second this programs awesomeness

    I have been using the BETA product for a while now and concur that this program is awesome. I must admit I came to this board just looking to see if anybody has promoted the program here because I, purely selfishly, want the kickstarter to succeed cuz I NEED THIS PROGRAM. The Dynamic FOW alone is worth a look (you can create a foreground that fades out as the map is revealed (so your PCs see the roof of the building they are about to enter rather than a black square). Additionally the map art style is impressive (available as packs). However one can import any graphics to background, tokens, objects etc. Additionally one can paste graphics into tokens, and objects. It has built in pluggins for dice roll, character health meters, and stats. Additionally it has an open API system which allows you to write/edit a pluggin if they don't have one that fits your games needs. It Will have a built in world builder as well. Additionally, only the GM needs to have a subscription to get subscription benefits for the party- really nice as a GM, since getting people to shell out for a license to play a game they are not sure they are going to like can be difficult. Check it out, spread the word if you like it.

    -Edit- So I didn't notice the OP was from 2015 (previous kickstarter attempt for this program.) The link for the current kickstarter campaign is here.
    Last edited by theboynurse; 11-03-2016 at 05:43 PM. Reason: I'm a duffus

  4. #4


    I'm backing it!

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