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Thread: A question on referencing...

  1. #1
    Guild Artisan LonewandererD's Avatar
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    Default A question on referencing...

    I have a question that I need an answer to before I unintentionally get into trouble.

    If I ever write a tutorial for this site or for another site (the matter as to whether I'll actually ever write a tut is another topic) I have to overcome the problem that several of the techniques I use aren't actually mine and have been adapted from other people's tuts. Would it be alright to include these techniques if i reference the tut of origin and/or have the permission of the original tut creator?

    P.S: I'm sorry if i've posted this in the wrong place but since it isn't actually a tut i didn't think it belonged in the tut section.

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  2. #2
    Community Leader mearrin69's Avatar
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    Trouble is a relative term: there's legal trouble and then there's "reputational" trouble. Can't help you with the former, you'll need a lawyer for that because I have no clue. "Reputationally" I'd say you're okay "adapting" someone else's techniques/styles but that you should probably give credit if at all possible. "Here I'm using the Ascension Method of xxx" or something similar. Wholly copying something is not really cool but if you're building substantially upon something already existing and extending it I doubt anyone would fault you for not reinventing the wheel. I think you see this a lot in traditional art circles. Of course, I'm not an expert in this area I'd be interested in hearing what others think.

  3. #3
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    I agree with mearrin, as long as its is actually a new technique then it is yours, also if you build on an existing one. But referrring to somebody who inspired your technique would be polite, and if you haven't changed much, prudent. It is always a grey area, also legally. Is yours a new work of art/creation technique/etc or just a copy. So if you want to be absolutely sure that you don't upset anyone - ask them if its ok. And I would guess that in here, and for non-commercial purposes there wont be any problems anyway
    regs tilt
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  4. #4


    Given that the tutorials here are provided free of charge to anyone and everyone for the purpose of advancing the state of the art, I'd say you would be covered with a link back to the original tut and a word of thanks to its author. Note that methods and practices are not subject to copyright, so as long as you are merely describing your own practice, you should be safe from a legal standpoint. Assuming that you're not violating another copyright in the process that is—using someone else's image to illustrate a point, for instance.
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  5. #5
    Guild Artisan LonewandererD's Avatar
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    So here, on this forum, would it be okay for me to say "for creating X, I used Ascension's Y to build up a base and then added the following layer effects and overlays to get this effect" and then provide a link to Ascension's Y? Or should I ask for permission before doing this?

    Last edited by LonewandererD; 05-09-2010 at 06:35 AM.
    People come and people go. I walk amongst them, I see their faces; but none see mine. I pass them in the streets but nary a glance is spared my way, for what interest would they have in a Wanderer? Not of this world... Forever Alone... Forever Wandering... LoneWandererD...

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  6. #6
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Your welcome to anything in any of my tuts.

    I think in general the best way is to quote something like "in the tutorial by Ascension ( ..." or by using a bibliography of references at the end then your working like most technical / scientific papers.

  7. #7
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    I was thinking that in this day and age you can pretty much get away with anything...and you can...until someone finds out. Then you look kind of foolish but it's not the end of the world. But on second thought I think a reference or link like Red just mentioned is a great idea for those people, like me, who really want to see the original version and try those steps out just to have more options...I love options.
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