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Thread: For anyone who still has a valid license for Dundjinni

  1. #1

    Default For anyone who still has a valid license for Dundjinni

    I have managed to get Dundjinni up and running on my macintosh (Big Sur, java 8 ) with some technical magic.

    if you are in the boat where you want to still run Dundjinni on a modern macintosh, LMK and i can help you set it up.

    in a nutshell (in technical terms), it requires launching the Talisman class directly either via Terminal or a command script and replacing the MRJAdapter.jar file with a stub version that removes all the functionality that breaks on modern osx.

    you get a setup that looks more like a linux or windows app (menubar in the window, rather than up at the top of the screen), BUT it gets ole' Dundjinni up and running.

    == cheers

    P.S. i know there are newer apps out there that can do much the same, but i like dundjinni and know my way around java apps, so i made this happen. please don't turn this into a "X tools is better, why are you wasting your time?" if there is enough interest, i may just post a follow up with the detailed instructions.

  2. #2
    Software Dev/Rep heruca's Avatar
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    Nov 2006
    Buenos Aires, Argentina


    I'd be interested in getting my copy of DJ running again. Looking forward to detailed instructions.
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    Give MapForge a try.

  3. #3

    Default jycfpx

    Quote Originally Posted by heruca View Post
    I'd be interested in getting my copy of DJ running again. Looking forward to detailed instructions.
    sounds good. i'll start putting together a write up and posting it when it's done

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